Meet Fumey – a unique motorcar from Colorado.

The Museum is excited to publish our first interactive story and coloring book focusing on the world famous “Galloping Geese” that operated on the Rio Grande Southern from the 1930s through most of the 1950s.


About the author:
Dave Ulmer, a retired science educator, is a life member of the Colorado Railroad Museum, a 40+ year member of the National Railroad Historical Society, and a member of the Rocky Mountain Railroad Club. As a youngster, he visited his grandparents who lived near the four track mainline Pennsylvania Railroad between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. His interest in railroads started at the age of four doing model railroading with his dad and brother. Dave graduated from Penn State University, the University of Pennsylvania and completed his doctorate at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has teaching experience in Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Colorado, and Australia. Mary, his wife, two daughters and two Granddaughters share his interest in trains.

About the artist:
Ginny has been interested in art since an early age. Her career as an Instructional Materials Specialist at several high schools was based out of audio-visual and computer labs. In adition to her day job, Ginny worked as a graphic artist for a web-based business partnership. She created personalized products for customers nationwide including badges, bookmarks, and buttons. She has illustrated many books including Fumey. As a youngster, she rode the train to and from Nebraska. Recently her train adventures have included the Colorado / New Mexico based Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad and the Colorado based Rio Grande Scenic Railroad.

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Come Hitch a Ride

15-acre railyard with over 100 locomotives is waiting for you to explore. 


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Golden, CO 80403

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