Ghosts of the Railroad Museum

Saturday July 27, 2019

Are you afraid of ghosts? Do you have an interest in the paranormal?

Join XX Paranormal Communications for an evening filled with fun, excitement and informative investigation!

Admission: $25 ($20 for Museum Members)

Doors open at 7:00PM. Attendees will meet our team of Paranormal Investigators at 7:30PM in the Upper Gallery for a Information & Safety Briefing. After splitting into groups, each working with a Museum Volunteer or a XX Paranormal Communications representative, you will explore a variety of locations including the CB&Q 96 Car, the Roundhouse, the Depot Basement, the RICO and B8.

In 27 years of research, the members of the Talking Board Historical Society have heard it all! Their membersa will share some common Ouija-stitions and the history behind them. But beware! You just might have to change your perspective on Ouija boards. Doors close at 11:00PM.

Tickets are limited, order tickets online here.

Recommended ages 16 and up. Wear appropriate attire including sturdy footwear for walking around a rail yard environment with flashlights. No smoking. Do not arrive intoxicated.


Come Hitch a Ride

15-acre railyard with over 100 locomotives is waiting for you to explore. 


17155 W. 44th Avenue
Golden, CO 80403

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9:00am – 5:00pm

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