Our subject today has been a big part of the museum for over 55 years, and it remains wildly popular with families, and especially, younger kids visiting the Museum. Come join me now, as we explore the history of the organization that built this extensive layout—the Denver HO Model Railroad Club, which still maintains and operates it faithfully today. We’ll also step back in time and follow the construction of this realistically detailed, miniature railroad environment. Join Executive Director, Paul Hammond as we explore the surprisingly rich history of these Utilitarian Passenger Cars! Want to learn more about Model Railroads at the Colorado Railroad Museum? Watch our Big Train Tour on the Denver Garden Model Railway Society here! Scripting & narration by Paul Hammond. #MusicByHyce
Welcome to another Big Train Tour at the Colorado Railroad Museum! This month, we’ll be taking a look at the Denver HO Model Railroad Club’s scale model railroad layout, located in the basement of the Museum Depot. When it was under construction in the late 1960s, the Colorado Railroad Museum was a much different place. But in the decades since, as the Museum itself has grown and changed, this operating layout has continued to serve as one of the Museum’s most beloved attractions!